Inactive delegate

💤 0%

Voted in 0/10 of the most recent proposals

ENS Avatar
Voting power3.101M
Delegated addresses48
Proposals created0

Delegate Statement

Protocols are a new primitive and Uniswap is one of the most successful. Wisely stewarding the Uniswap protocol will have outside impact on the future of decentralized finance and protocol design.

My view is protocol governance should strive to minimize arbitrary decision making and inputs. The best governance is no governance. I will advocate for proposals that keep the protocol autonomous and immutable.

I express my views on what makes protocols special and how they should be governed here:

Top Issues

Fee switch
Fee switch
The fee switch should be turned on in a way that autonomously directs fees
Meta governance
Meta governance
Protocols are not companies, governance should be designed to eliminate any arbitrary decision making

Represented Stakeholders

I represent