Proposal by 0x35...2175

Create v3deployments.uniswap.eth subdomain and populate its text fields

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Per the discussion in the governance forums here and here, and the Snapshot poll here, canonical deployments of Uniswap v3 will be recorded in a new subdomain. This proposal seeks to create that subdomain (v3deployments.uniswap.eth) and populate its text records with all deployments that were granted business source license exemptions and those that have passed governance votes since the license's expiry.

One thing to note - both zkSync and Polygon zkEVM have passed governance votes and will be added to the subdomain at a date in the future when their deployments are complete.


If executed, this governance proposal will make 9 function calls. At a high level, the first transaction creates the new subdomain and the next 8 add text records to it. The text records are formatted such that the key is the network number of the chain in question and the value is a string with the address of the bridge sender contract on mainnet associated with the deployment followed by the UniswapV3Factory address on the destination chain, separated by a space and a comma. Note that this is a slight departure from what was suggested in the forums; after discussing with various members of the governance community it became apparent that including the factory address would be a valuable addition.

We describe the function calls in more detail below, and a detailed simulation of the transaction's execution will be available shortly after this proposal goes live by downloading the Uniswap artifact at the bottom of this page.

  1. Creates the new subdomain by calling the setSubnodeRecord on the ENS Registry and passing it the name hash for uniswap.eth, the label hash for v3deployments, the timelock's address, and the ENS public resolver's address.

  2. Creates a new text record on v3deployments.uniswap.eth by calling setText on the subdomain and passing it the name hash for the subdomain, the key 42161 for Arbitrum and value 0x4Dbd4fc535Ac27206064B68FfCf827b0A60BAB3f, 0x1F98431c8aD98523631AE4a59f267346ea31F984

  3. Creates a new text record on v3deployments.uniswap.eth by calling setText on the subdomain and passing it the name hash for the subdomain, the key 10 for Optimism and value 0x25ace71c97B33Cc4729CF772ae268934F7ab5fA1, 0x1F98431c8aD98523631AE4a59f267346ea31F984

  4. Creates a new text record on v3deployments.uniswap.eth by calling setText on the subdomain and passing it the name hash for the subdomain, the key 137 for Polygon and value 0xfe5e5D361b2ad62c541bAb87C45a0B9B018389a2, 0x1F98431c8aD98523631AE4a59f267346ea31F984

  5. Creates a new text record on v3deployments.uniswap.eth by calling setText on the subdomain and passing it the name hash for the subdomain, the key 42220 for Celo and value 0xf7e46b233abd1edaad8dbbbda12129b97b071025, 0xAfE208a311B21f13EF87E33A90049fC17A7acDEc

  6. Creates a new text record on v3deployments.uniswap.eth by calling setText on the subdomain and passing it the name hash for the subdomain, the key 56 for Binance Smart Chain and value 0xf5F4496219F31CDCBa6130B5402873624585615a, 0xdB1d10011AD0Ff90774D0C6Bb92e5C5c8b4461F7

  7. Creates a new text record on v3deployments.uniswap.eth by calling setText on the subdomain and passing it the name hash for the subdomain, the key 100 for Gnosis and value 0xf5f4496219f31cdcba6130b5402873624585615a, 0xe32F7dD7e3f098D518ff19A22d5f028e076489B1

  8. Creates a new text record on v3deployments.uniswap.eth by calling setText on the subdomain and passing it the name hash for the subdomain, the key 43114 Avalanche and value 0xeb0BCF27D1Fb4b25e708fBB815c421Aeb51eA9fc, 0x740b1c1de25031C31FF4fC9A62f554A55cdC1baD

  9. Creates a new text record on v3deployments.uniswap.eth by calling setText on the subdomain and passing it the name hash for the subdomain, the key 288 for Boba and value 0x6D4528d192dB72E282265D6092F4B872f9Dff69e, 0xFFCd7Aed9C627E82A765c3247d562239507f6f1B

Proposal votes
FOR 48.94M UNI
Quorum 40M UNI


Ended May 9, 2023 at 2:37 PM
Hasn't voted