Authors: @Doo_StableLab @PGov @AranaDigital @seedgov
This proposal outlines the Uniswap Delegate Reward Initiative—Cycle 3, a compensation program designed to improve and sustain the participation quality and dedication among Uniswap delegates following the conclusion of Cycle 1 and 2.
In late February 2024, StableLab proposed the Uniswap Delegate Reward Initiative. After the GovSwap event in Denver, further research to plan and implement the Delegate Reward Initiative was highlighted, leading to the formation of the Uniswap Delegate Reward Working Group, composed of 8 members from different organizations. After extensive research for more than a month, the Working Group produced several findings, which can be found here:
Incorporating these findings, the Uniswap Delegate Reward Initiative Cycle 1 was proposed and launched in June 2024. Cycle 1 was successful in that the 12 delegates selected maintained 100% voting participation rate for votes during this period. In addition, several new delegates joined the protocol due to the presence of incentives.
With learnings from Cycle 1, including how to make a points system to determine the top delegate applicants in a more fair and objective manner, along with a tier system to incorporate different participation levels of delegates, Cycle 2 was launched.
Application Eligibility
In case there are more than 15 eligible applicants, the top 15 will be chosen by the following objective metrics. The highest number of available points will be 11.
1. Voting Participation
Since a delegate's primary role is to utilize voting power from delegators and vote in Uniswap’s best interest, active participation is essential to ensuring quorums are met and malicious proposals are thwarted. This category carries a total of 7 points, with onchain voting weighted more heavily due to its ability to directly impact governance contracts and direct treasury funds. The voting rate is evaluated based on the past six months.
Offchain Voting (Snapshot)
90% and above: 3 80% to 90% : 2 70% till 80% : 1.5 60% till 70%: 1 50% till 60%: 0.5 50% or below: 0
Onchain Voting
90% and above : 4 80% till 90% : 2.5 70% till 80%: 1.5 60% till 70%: 1 50% till 60%: 0.5 Below 50%: 0
2. Proposal Authorship
Contributing to proposal drafting for Uniswap DAO is valuable, but maintaining quality and preventing malicious proposals is equally important. As a result, only successfully passed votes are counted. This category is worth a total of 3 points, with onchain proposals receiving greater weight once again.
For non-binary proposals, if a "No" equivalent option was available and the final voting outcome was a choice other than "No," the proposal qualifies for points in this category. For example, the Uniswap Treasury Working Group (UTWG) Election would not be eligible, as there was no "No" vote option. However, the [Temp] Uni Onboarding Package - BSC would qualify, since an "Against" option was present, and the final outcome was "$1M."
Authored or Co-authored a proposal that passed offchain (Snapshot) vote before.
Yes, 2 or more: 1 Yes, 1: 0.5 No: 0
Authored or Co authored a proposal that passed onchain vote before
Yes, 2 or more: 2 Yes, 1: 1 No: 0
3. Community Participation
The full point for this category is 1.
Community Calls (attendance for September, October, December 2024 & January - Feb 2025)
Attended at least 80% of calls: 1 Attended at least 50% of calls: 0.5
Tie Breaker
Delegate Reward Eligibility
Once delegates have passed the application process, they must fulfill the following requirements to be eligible for up to $6,000 USD worth of $UNI reward per month.
Additional Rewards (the below are only available if the above Requirement of Voting Participation is fulfilled)
2a. Write rationale for the voting on their delegate profile.
2b. Attend Uniswap Community Calls.
Achieving these above will provide an additional up to $3,000 USD worth of $UNI. For 2a and 2b, there will also be proportional payment. For example, if there were 4 votings and 1 community call, and a delegate missed writing a rationale of 2 of the votes, the delegate would be eligible to receive $1800 [3/5 * $3000].
We are requesting 540,000 [6000 USD *6 Months *15 Delegates ] USD worth of UNI for cycle 3 of the Uniswap Delegate Reward Initiative.
The total amount, once approved, will be sent to the Accountability Committee, which will be responsible for the monthly distribution of rewards to eligible delegates. Since the total budget of the Delegate Reward WG has not been fully used, administration of this reward program–including the creation of this proposal and the admin work behind verifying monthly delegate participation–will be allotted from that account, with no additional costs to the DAO. Therefore, the total budget request will be solely for the delegate pay.
UNI Price @ $8.05: $540,000 -> 67,080 $UNI