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Voting power2.514M
Delegated addresses58
Proposals created11

Delegate Statement

Uniswap Delegate Profile


We support policies that grow Uniswap’s reach, increase its usefulness, and protect tokenholder rights.

What do you want to see happen in Uniswap governance over the next year?

We have three major goals for Uniswap governance over the next twelve months. The first and most immediate is to solidify Uniswap’s position as the dominant decentralized exchange on as many chains as possible, for as many assets as possible. This includes cross-chain deployments to increase breadth, and encouraging development on top of the protocol to allow Uniswap to reasonably challenge centralized exchanges as a professional venue for trading.

The second goal is to create and deploy the infrastructure for UNI holders to safely enable a protocol fee. Whether or not governance ultimately chooses to collect fees from the protocol’s users, we want to ensure that a safe, simple solution is ready.

Our third goal is positioning Uniswap to compete directly with traditional spot exchanges by launching our Uniswap v3 pro-trader interface. Uniswap is the leading DEX with over 60% of the DEX market share, but it has less than 2% of the total spot market share. We want to bring users over from traditional exchanges by offering a better user experience.

Reasons for wanting to be a delegate:

GFX Labs is founded and staffed by builders. We provide some of the most well-known protocols in DeFi with governance expertise, and Uniswap has always been one of our main venues for governance participation.

Skills and areas of expertise:

We have a proven track record of expertise in technical implementation, consensus-seeking governance, due diligence, and technical research.

Past contributions to Uniswap:

GFX Labs and its founders have proposed 25% of the successfully executed Uniswap proposals. That is more than any other contributor, with an emphasis on enabling new fee tiers, such as the 1bp fee tier, executing the first cross-chain governance proposal, and growing Uniswap's reach through additional deployments.

What are your views on 3 past Uniswap governance proposals?

  • UNI 38: For - A post-BSL deployment process is needed and we believe 38 solves that need.
  • UNI 37: For - We love to see more contributors become involved in the DAO.
  • UNI 36: For - The Gnosis deployment was previously approved.

Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest:

GFX Labs is active in governance and development of multiple protocols. Current and recent relationships include Uniswap, MakerDAO, 0x, Optimism, Arbitrum, Wormhole, Interest Protocol, Hop, and Compound.

Top Issues

Mechanism design
Mechanism design
We're excited by the notion of growing the scope of the protocol by adding additional mechanisms.
Fee tiers
Fee tiers
Having proposed the 1bp fee tier addition, we place a high value on improving Uniswap through additional fee tiers, though each fee tier must be carefully considered.
Cross chain deployments
Cross chain deployments
Cross-chain deployments are vital to the long-term growth of the Uniswap protocol and ecosystem.

Represented Stakeholders

Prof. Gov. Contributor
I represent
Prof. gov. contributors

Past Votes

Voted abstain this proposal 19 days ago with 2.51M votes

Governance Proposal - Adopt The SEAL Safe Harbor Agreement

Voted abstain this proposal 19 days ago with 2.51M votes

Uniswap DAO Principles

Voted for this proposal 30 days ago with 2.51M votes

Scale Uniswap Liquidity on Celo

Voted for this proposal 30 days ago with 2.51M votes

Incentive Package for Sonic

Voted for this proposal 2 months ago with 2.44M votes

Supporting Tally’s Development and Enhancements for Uniswap DAO Governance

Voted for this proposal 3 months ago with 2.44M votes

[Updated] Forse Analytics for Uniswap Revitalization and Growth Program

Voted for this proposal 3 months ago with 2.44M votes

Uniswap Growth Program Trial

Voted abstain this proposal 4 months ago with 2.44M votes

Forse Analytics for Uniswap Revitalization and Growth Program

Reason: Currently, we don’t have a strong opinion on this. We think the revisions made are good. If people want to fund this proposal, we won't oppose it, but we don’t think we’ll see much value in the research either. The goal of the Uniswap Revitalization and Growth program is for Uniswap to establish a position in new chains such that if the chain ends up growing significantly, Uniswap can grow with the chain rather than trying to join later and face an uphill battle. The incentives are meant to help Uniswap establish itself at the chain during the initial launch and then end with no plan to bring it back. The hope is that two or three chains that get these incentives grow to become massive chains, and then we'll have a great market position. Generally, we learn the most about a new blockchain's potential success in those few months while working with them on the new deployment, marketing, and other post-launch efforts.
Voted for this proposal 4 months ago with 2.44M votes

Uniswap Accountability S3 Renewal and Rebalance

Voted abstain this proposal 5 months ago with 2.44M votes

Proposal to active 2, 3, 4 bps fee-tiers on Base

Reason: We voted to abstain in the temperature check and will vote to abstain here as well. Most of our reasons are available on the forum. To summarize, we don't believe this initiative will be successful in gaining back our lost market share from Aerodrome because we're competing against their token incentives. We're not voting against the proposal because we don't believe it can harm the protocol, but we also don't think there is much upside in the action either, so we're not voting for it. If the DAO wants to improve LP flexibility, then we should focus on the GTM of v4. 
Voted for this proposal 5 months ago with 2.44M votes

Uniswap Delegate Reward Initiative - Cycle 2

Voted for this proposal 6 months ago with 2.45M votes

Deploy Uniswap v3 on X Layer

Voted for this proposal 6 months ago with 2.45M votes

Onboarding Package for Gnosis Chain

Voted for this proposal 7 months ago with 2.47M votes

Uniswap Arbitrum LTIPP Matching

Voted for this proposal 8 months ago with 2.47M votes

Uniswap Delegate Reward- 3 Months Cycle 1

Voted for this proposal 9 months ago with 2.47M votes

DeFi Education Fund

Voted for this proposal 9 months ago with 2.49M votes

Mobilizing the Uniswap Treasury

Voted for this proposal 10 months ago with 2.49M votes

Update Uni v3/v2 Deployment Process (March 2024)

Voted for this proposal 10 months ago with 2.49M votes

Onboarding Package Bundle

Voted for this proposal 12 months ago with 2.45M votes

Uniswap Revitalization and Growth Proposal
