We support policies that grow Uniswap’s reach, increase its usefulness, and protect tokenholder rights.
We have three major goals for Uniswap governance over the next twelve months. The first and most immediate is to solidify Uniswap’s position as the dominant decentralized exchange on as many chains as possible, for as many assets as possible. This includes cross-chain deployments to increase breadth, and encouraging development on top of the protocol to allow Uniswap to reasonably challenge centralized exchanges as a professional venue for trading.
The second goal is to create and deploy the infrastructure for UNI holders to safely enable a protocol fee. Whether or not governance ultimately chooses to collect fees from the protocol’s users, we want to ensure that a safe, simple solution is ready.
Our third goal is positioning Uniswap to compete directly with traditional spot exchanges by launching our Uniswap v3 pro-trader interface. Uniswap is the leading DEX with over 60% of the DEX market share, but it has less than 2% of the total spot market share. We want to bring users over from traditional exchanges by offering a better user experience.
GFX Labs is founded and staffed by builders. We provide some of the most well-known protocols in DeFi with governance expertise, and Uniswap has always been one of our main venues for governance participation.
We have a proven track record of expertise in technical implementation, consensus-seeking governance, due diligence, and technical research.
GFX Labs and its founders have proposed 25% of the successfully executed Uniswap proposals. That is more than any other contributor, with an emphasis on enabling new fee tiers, such as the 1bp fee tier, executing the first cross-chain governance proposal, and growing Uniswap's reach through additional deployments.
GFX Labs is active in governance and development of multiple protocols. Current and recent relationships include Uniswap, MakerDAO, 0x, Optimism, Arbitrum, Wormhole, Interest Protocol, Hop, and Compound.